Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Underground tanks are designed to drain the remains of light and dark petroleum products, oil, oils, condensate, including mixtures with water from technological networks (pipelines) and apparatuses in all industries.

Models: EP-8, EPP-8, EPP-12, EPP-12, EPP-16, EPP-16, EPP-20, EPP-20, EPP-40, EPP-40, EPP-63, EPP-63.


The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant PROMGAZE'NERGO: fittings, gas analyzers, gas control points and installations, safety valves, gas pressure regulators, gas flow metering devices, filters, tanks
  • Waste disposal PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Waste disposal
    NGO 2000, etc.
  • Capacitive equipment PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Capacitive equipment
    VEE, VCE, SCC, SEE, BB, etc.
  • Oil loading equipment PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Oil loading equipment
    series ASN, UNZH6, SDK, USN, etc.
  • Heat exchange equipment PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Heat exchange equipment
    TNG, TPG, TU, TTOR, HNG, IN, etc.
  • Gas station equipment PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Gas station equipment
    KZ, WKO, KP, MS–2, NK, NSH, etc.
    ZMP, PZP, UZP, etc.
  • Tank equipment PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Tank equipment
    series KDS, KDM, OP, SMDK, etc.
  • Underground tanks PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Underground tanks
    series EP, EPP, etc.
    RVS, RVSP, RVSS, CSG, etc.
  • Gas filters PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Gas filters
    series FS, FG, FGS, FGKR, FV, etc.
  • Gas flow metering devices PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Gas flow metering devices
    series of GBS, UBSG, Metrix, PURG, etc.
  • TCU boiler plants PROMGAZE'NERGO
    TCU boiler plants
    BKU series, etc .
  • Connecting parts PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Connecting parts
    SI, IS, IFS, KDM, CLO, etc.
  • Gas pressure regulators PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Gas pressure regulators
    series RDK, RDG, RDUC, RDBK, etc.
  • Safety valves PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Safety valves
    series VN½N, VF½N, KPZ, PSK, etc.
  • Gas control points PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Gas control points
    series GRPSH, GRU, PGB, GSGO, etc.
  • Gas analyzers PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Gas analyzers
    ANCAT, SGG, IG, SIKZ series, etc.
  • Pipe fittings PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Pipe fittings
    31c91nzh, KSH-50, GSHK, UORG, etc.


PROMGAZENERGO Group of Companies (Saratov) specializes in the production of gas and oil equipment. The main activity of the company is the design and production of GRPSH of any level of complexity.

    The company strives to produce a product that meets the expectations of its partners, enabling their further development.
  • purpose

    Establish close ties with the consumer, offering innovative technologies in the field of oil and gas equipment.
  • quality

    The equipment manufactured by PROMGAZENERGO has been tested, has certificates of conformity and is approved for operation.

Information Board PROMGAZE'NERGO

Learn more about our products PROMGAZE'NERGO.
  • Price list for products of the plant PROMGAZE'NERGO
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for ordering GRU, GRPSH, GSGO, GRPN, GRPSH, UGRSH, GRPB, PGB производства ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering GRU, GRPSH, GSGO, GRPN, GRPSH, UGRSH, GRPB, PGB
  • Questionnaire for ordering TCU, BCU из каталога ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering TCU, BCU
  • Questionnaire for ordering UURG, PURG, SHUURG, SHPURG, PUG, BUURG от производителя ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering UURG, PURG, SHUURG, SHPURG, PUG, BUURG
  • Questionnaire for ordering the capacity of the underground drainage EPP изготовителя ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering the capacity of the underground drainage EPP
  • Questionnaire for ordering a pontoon марки ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering a pontoon
  • Questionnaire for ordering a horizontal CSG tank завода ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering a horizontal CSG tank
  • Questionnaire for ordering a heat exchanger в магазине ПРОМГАЗЭНЕРГО
    Questionnaire for ordering a heat exchanger


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